Semester finish

Semester finish

It’s the 11th of December, and I’ve finished my semester strong. The most challenging course I took this semester was Dynamics and Controls, which focused on multiple-degree-of-freedom systems and solving eigenvalue problems. Since avionics and software is my concentration, I look forward to the challenges that courses like this present.

With this month of break, I intend to thoroughly develop this website to prepare it for my internship search! Although the primary structure and logistics of my site have been finished, I would like to focus on displaying my portfolio and resume conveniently and intuitively. I put in most of my time this semester in either studying for classes or applying to internships.

In my next few posts, I’ll cover portions of the site to signify their completion. Once the site is fully complete, it should be as simple as a few revisions if I expand my portfolio or resume.

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